We’re testing the responsiveness of our app and are seeing some weird behaviour for smaller devices.
When using medium sized mobile device, the default language (English) appears as expected but when setting the language to Norwegian the text overflows (see screens below).
Very strange behaviour indeed. Is the responsiveness still off if you change the default to Norsk and switch to English? It would also be great if we could get a few screenshots of the build in Create (the containers etc.)
Setting the default to Norsk (by changing our App Variable’s Value on Load to “Norsk”) results in the same behavior. Note that in our “Internationalization” pane English is still set as the default language.
Could you try setting Max Width of the Container (surrounding the overflowing text) to 100 %? Otherwise it might sound like you will need to contact you Appfarm contact, in order to facilitate access to the solution for trying to support.
One thing you may try: Set the default language to Norwegian and see if it helps (just temporarily, to test a hypothesis). It could be an issue related to the width being calculated based on english text initially, but not recalculated on language switch. However, you did change that on app load, but it might be that UI loads before that happens. Just a thought - worth a shot.
Just tried both setting Max Width and changing default language (without actually changing the text value for the languages) but we don’t see changes to the responsiveness. But thanks for the suggestions