Number formatting for text input control

It would be great to be able to format numbers ,e.g. thousand separator for the text input control.

Would make it more userfriendly without having to switch between controls etc. as described here: Thusand separator for Text Edit field with number - #2 by Simona


Thank you for the request. Registered a challenge on a decimal separator for text input.

Any updates on this issue @ohaabrekke? :nerd_face:

Any updates on the number formatting for text input controls? :blush:

Hi Erik! I have requested an update of the status for this challenge and hopefully the solution for this will be released soon.
Thank you for your patience :blush:

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Our upcoming release will support both decimal and thousand separators for Text Edit. It will be out in the first half of February :blush:

This feature has now been released as part of [version 113].(