Is there a limit in the number of instances that can be running at the same time for a certain service?
I believe this article / section may answer you questions?
Well, I am not talking about Schedules, and in the article itself explain that no more than 2-3 different services should be running at the same time, but what I am asking is about the same service.
Imagine 10 different users are using our platform and they run an action that triggers the same endpoint of the same service. Is that going to be a problem? Or how many queries can a certain Service handle?
Thank you.
I can see that the article could be a bit more precise. The same principle applies to a Service Endpoint being triggered from anywhere. If it is the same Service or another Service being triggered - the stateless architecture of these Service calls will treat them equal.
A better measure of simultaneous calls is how many calls per time unit a service may process. And that depends on how heavy the service is. We do have solutions on “standard” configuration (Essential) that handles 200k+ requests per day on average (lightweight calls).