Hi, I need to add the Recursion Level as a runtime field in the Departments table. I cannot find it anywhere. Is it even available somehow for this purpose?
That sounds like an interesting case
Can you please provide some more details and screenshots about the problem that you are trying to solve?
If you’re just trying to add a runtime property, this is done on the datasource level in your app or service.
// Erik
Hi, yes I plan to add the recursion level as a runtime property, but I cannot link to it as a variable as I cannot find it anywhere. Then I plan to use it to add a symbol or character to the NAME in order to present the values to the user in a better way, for instance (if possible):
org 1
-org 2
-org 3
org 4
-org 5
–org 6
–org 7
If you want to display the recursion level in the UI, this variable is available as function parameter for UI Components inside the iterating container. You can use it to make a template string, combining the name and recursion level
This variable is not exposed elsewhere in Create, so you’ll have to use it inside the iterating container.
// Erik
OK, thank you. Now I understand. But I was hoping to create a simple dropdown where the user could easily select the right Department as the recursion level was visualized. Seems like that will not be possible then. Or maybe I am wrong as I am quite inexperienced no-coder?
best regards
No, you’re correct. The built-in variable is only available inside an iterating container, but it might be possible with a function runtime property on the datasource.
You could possibly bind the whole datasource as a function parameter and do a while/algorithm to calculate the recursion level per object.
Might be very heavy for large datasources however, but it should be possible
// Erik