Weird behavior in services from midnight

Hi, at midnight a service that has not been changed suddenly started giving errors without web request body, 1 timeout and at least 2 of this message:
The request was made and the server responded with a status code that falls out of the range of 2xx

502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway


The web request in postman works fine.

In addition some other services seems to fail in PROD in addition to this. These unfurtunatly dont have any error logging attached so im not sure what is failing there. Would be nice if you guys could take a look :slight_smile:

Hi! Do you have the solution name and approximate time of incident?

Sent more info in dm, but its from midnight and seemingly better but still ongoing.

Just updating on this one: A combined issue. The service failing was due to the logic/model (Create Object into a single Cardinality: One non-empty data source without Replace All Objects enabled). However, some tuning of schedules vs performance/load still needs to be evaluated.

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