Access child objects inside aggregate data

Hi, I am using the new aggregate data component. I am trying to filter my data source based on a property on a child object to my data source. However, this does not seem to be possible. I can not access any of the properties on my child object.

My child object is called “Trip”

I have found a work around, which is to store the information I need from trip on the parent object “Trip Expenses”.

My reqest is for it to be possible to access child object properties in the aggregate data component.

Hi, Daniel!

Great to see that you are using the new Aggregate Data action node!
The kind of filters on deep data bindings you’re requesting is not currently supported in Appfarm, and probably won’t be anytime soon. Filters on deep data bindings could have major implications for performance, and we instead advise users to do what you have done here and denormalize data.

There is a drawback in having to store values in multiple places, but performance-wise this is the way to go currently.

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