I have a problem with updating the Profile Image property of Users. In the docs for “Set user account image”, it is stated that “A user does not require any special permissions to update their own profile image” but I do not get it to work unless “Update User” is set to True/checked under Accounts/Roles under Permissions in Create. See image for the error that I get when this permission is set to False/unchecked. I am certain that “Allow Update User Account” under Environments Config was set to On for the relevant environment, so I’m confused about the error message as well.
Did I get this wrong? Does this permission need to be On in order for this to work? Will this also allow Users to update other Users as well? I’m happy to provide more context, should that help.
Hi, thank you for the question.
You’re trying to update your own profile image? Profile images is global in Appfarm so we do not allow you to change other users profile imageses. The error you are showing is appearing when the “Update user” is set to false and the “Allow Update User Account” is set to on?
The “Allow Update User Account” in the development environment turns of at midnight just in case you did not know.
I just verified that you need the privilege to Update user account in order to update your own profile image. And also, Update user must be enabled for the environment. If either is missing, that same error message (“Allow Update User Account” under “Environment Config” must be enabled") is displayed. So, the error message is incorrect in the case that Update user is enabled in the environment, but the Role does not have the privilege to update user.
This means that the documentation is not correct according to the behaviour. The docs will be updated (but I’ll also file an internal challenge on this one, as I personally think special privileges should not be necessary since you are only allowed to run Set user account image on your own account).