Client filter with condition based on current user role does not work


Here it is :wink: :

ControlC solution, Extranet app.

client filter based on current user role:

current user roles:

task object class supposed to be filtered:

Hi! Thanks for reporting. I was able to reproduce it, so it seems like a bug, I’ll register a challenge.

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Hi @lequeuxa, just a quick update: the fix for this is coming in version 23.3 :slight_smile:

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Hi @Joanna
Is this issue resolved? I have a problem on checking condition on current user role. See pictures from console…

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 10.06.05
Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 10.05.21
Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 10.04.50

As you can see game master control (me) datasource is not empty, and current user role for Gameplanuser is false. so this condition should evaluate to true.

@lequeuxa is this issue resolved for you now?

Hi @Johan18,

I used a workaround, @Yassine.tebib might be able to answer as he is using Appfarm more often.

Hi @Johan18

looks like it work normally for me , i’m using kind of a similar filter as yours

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Thanks Yassine
I believe the cause of my problems was that the app variable was not readable (not initialized or something) since it is in an “On app load” action. So I solved it with a sleep.


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