Drawer: Rounded corners have white background

I developed a new bottom navigation bar using a drawer.

I noticed that when the edges are rounded , the background is white not transparent. Is it a bug or something I can change?


Container setup:

Hi Preben,

The issue is that a persistent drawer cannot have rounded corners; only the temporary drawer supports them. From your images, the rounded corners are applied to the container inside the drawer. Since the drawer background defaults to white, you will see that effect.

One option is to match the background color of the drawer to your app’s background. This will create the illusion of rounded corners without actually having them.

I haven’t found any way to change the background of a persistent drawer to transparent unfortunately.

// Erik

Thanks for the reply - We have (for now) some views with different background colors , please put transparent as a wish for future releases

I’ll add it as a feature request!

// Erik