Error message when running a service: FunctionEvalTimeoutError: Eval timeout - function took too long to execute (>2000ms)

It’s possible that the timeout limit will be reevaluated at some point, but we don’t see it as a sustainable solution to the problem: independently of the limit, there will always be a case of someone exceeding it, so we’d end up in an infinity loop :wink:

Skip Function Properties should resolve the issue for most cases, but there are a couple more things worth looking into:

  • Use runtime data sources whenever possible
  • When iterating, avoid bigger functions inside of the loop
  • Note that for operations like updating or persisting objects, you can expect better performance when all objects are persisted in 1 operation, rather than persisting each object inside of an iterator
  • Make sure you are not loading data sources you don’t really need (especially if they include function properties)
  • Nested data bindings should be avoided, as these generate database-connected data sources that can impact the performance significantly

Hope this is useful.