Feature request: Define border radius on Dialog and input fields


Thanks for latest update to override the elevation of buttons - that really saved us many hours of work and maintenance. The font size

I would love to see a similar update for input fields.

Right now the “Theme border radius” applies to too many elements for us to use - and it becomes very ineffective to create, style and maintain custom components everywhere.

If we had the chance to set the border radius specifically on input fields, it would save us a lot of time. The border radius of input fields shouldnt in our case be the same as dialogs, cards etc.

An additional request here would be to be able to control the border width and color of the states of the input field.

Bonus: The ability to change fontsize of tooltip was also very helpful! I would also love to have the chance to set the font style as well (or atleast select what font class from the list should be used for Tooltip)

Kåre // MoreScope

Hello Kåre and thanks for providing feedback to the community.

Just to summarize, you wish to have the ability:

  • Control the border radius on Input Fields (Text Edit and Datetime Picker)
  • Control the border width across the different states of an Input Field (e.g. Hover, Focused, etc)
  • Control the border color across the different states of an Input Field (e.g. Hover, Focused, etc)
  • Control the font style & size of tooltips

I will pass these requests along to the Dev team.
