How can i get info on public holidays into the "Calendar Data Source"?

We thought about some concepts for the calendar object class, many of our customers want a planning solution and to be able to specify the days that are “bank holidays” (that means persisting the bank holiday boolean field in the calendar object class which is not possible so in that case, we need to create our own object class name it calendar, etc.)

Any suggestions?

Calendar Data Sources are kind of a “dynamically generated enum”. It’s not stored anywhere, it’s generated based on some resolution and from/to. However, we do support having custom properties on these records, by adding Runtime Properties to the Calendar Datasource.

For example: “Is bank holiday” may be a runtime property on a calendar data source. You have some functionality in your app for adding Bank holidays on different dates. The “Is bank holiday” may return true or false, dependent on whether a “Bank holiday” object exists for that date.