Weird case of Error "Cannot persist - no contact with server"

Hello Hello
i had i specific situation that looks weird and i wanted a bit more info about it.

My situation is this one :

  • i have an action where i persist some data after modification
  • i also have a catch expection at the end if something goes wrong with my action ( there is some webrequest in there so this feels safe to me )

if an error occurs , i implemented a log system to catch every info i need, i also put some log in the middle and start of my action to be sure i follow every mistake.

this what happened :

  • and Error appeared in my log
  • if there is a connection problem , i still was able to receive all my logs during that action

what can cause that kind of error then ?

thanks Again :smiley:

I’ve been experiencing the same thing when trying to persist files on dev server. I’m not sure if the same problem is present in production. I believe the first time I experienced the issue was on Sunday.

Oh that’s it , and yes for my case it is present in production

Hi Yassine! Sorry for the late reply.

I am not able to recreate this issue on desktop or mobile, but I have some followup questions:

  • Which Appfarm version is affected?
  • What are the files/file types used? I tested with Images, from Lars’ screenshot, but this worked for me in version 112-0-16.
  • Have you been able to recreate in Dev? Does this happen every time a persist is tried, or only sometimes?

If you can share more details about the data model for the Order object class, and the action which fails, this can help to find out what the problem is. (e.g. the Persist setup, what happens to the object before persist, the Create File Object setup you use, and so on).


Hi Rhys :smiley:

  • i think it’s version 112-0-16 or the one just before
  • there is no files. it is just
    – Persisting Order
    – Persisting Order Lines
  • i can’t do that again sadly this happened randomly ( and i think just once or twice)

since it is a big action with some webrequest calls , i had to put my logs around every part so i can follow any kind of bugs ( i find two bugs, i fixed them so i’m not sure that my previous error was specifically about the “No Contact with server” error)

i just felt weird that logs are persisted and not my order

i’ll let you know if it happens again

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