Bugs in container with drop area and motions

Hi! There are a couple of bugs with motions on containers that have child elements with drag&drop enabled.

In the app, there is a section that should be hideable, and to do this we are using the collapse motion. However, when using the collapse on the container that contains the drag&drop elements, the height properties are bugging out, resulting in the page flow looking weird.

When I instead used the slide motion, the page layout went back to normal, however, now the drag motions are bugged. From what I have seen, this second bug is primarily an issue when using the slide or rotate motions.

The issue is that when I pick up a draggable card from the pick area on the left, the hovering card is displayed in the bottom right corner of the drop area instead of beneath the mouse pointer, making the functionality look weird.

I have added a redacted screenshot and drawn where the different elements on the screen are located. Everything in the image is located inside a single container with a motion:


Are you able to send a screen recording of this behaviour, or some screenshots of the setup in Create, so that we can try and reproduce this issue? This can be sent via DM to me if this is preferred.
