Custom login-app


In our app we have a few login/sign-up features that we want to adjust ourselves, and therefore decided to build a custom login-app. The question is mainly how to use the auth operation with password login, and how this can be customized.

Lisa Marie


Not sure if you have seen setup in Showroom. If you have registered for access to Showroom (Appfarm Showroom), you may access the Showroom solution in Appfarm Create, and locate the app “Sign Up and Login”. This is an example of a custom login app (and sign-up).

In the default view, you see buttons for sending login link or pin code as login methode. The action behind the button has a simple action node “Auth Operations”.

I you also want to allow password login inside this App, you would need to add another Text Edit for inputing the password (remember so set Input Data Type to Password) and data bind it to an App Variable.
Then, in the Auth Operations action node, just data bind the Password setting to that App Variable.

Thanks for a quick answer!
However I have tried this and I am a bit unsure about where this password login then checks that the password is correct, moreover where the password for the user is stored. How can a user then create a password and where would it be stored? Does it have to go through the “Update user account” + reset password?

The password is stored in a hash on the user object. Nobody can access it in clear text, and the only one who can change it is the user himself/herself.

For the login, the user may input the password (temporarily written to an App Variable). The “Auth Operations” allows you to use option Password login, where you may use to App Variables for email and password to pass into this action node. Upon success (automatic check of the password entered against the hash), the user is logged in.

However: It seems to me as if the “Send password reset link” option is missing in the Auth operations action node. I’ve registered a challenge on this and awaiting response. So, without this, I cannot see that it is possible to implement a custom login app with functionality for setting password (and hence, not possible to log in with password either for new users).

The Sign Up and Login App in Showroom is updated with Password login feature. However, the Password reset action is not doing anything yet.

That makes sense, as I really could not understand how to implement this in the custom app.

Thanks for clearing that up!
Hope it is implemented soon :slight_smile:

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