Enum description - use in app

When using enums I see that it would be convenient to add and use a description. There is a field for description when creating the enum, it would be brilliant to be able to display that field in the apps, as far as I can see this field is not available for use.

Is this something that could be supported? (ideally also with a check if the enum has a description).
Regards, Johan

Hi Johan,

Thank you for your suggestion, there are certainly benefits of using the Enum description field within apps.

This has been passed on to our Devs team as a feature request.


This has been a feature request since the forum lived in Slack. It might have slipped on the way to the new forum. It would be nice to see it implemented.

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Now I had the need for this again, would have saved me a lot of time… is it on the road map?


Is it on the road map?