I have created a web request to an external datasource. When running the web request without result mapping I am receiving the response:
“requestConfig”: {
“url”: “####”,
“headers”: {
“server”: “####”,
“database”: “####”,
“subscription-key”: “####”,
“Authorization”: “####”,
“responseData”: {
“status”: 200,
“statusText”: “OK”,
“rawData”: [
“prosjekt_tx”: “Lorem ipsum”,
“prosjekt_fx”: “12345”,
“id”: 15
“prosjekt_tx”: “Lorem ipsum 2”,
“prosjekt_fx”: “6789”,
“id”: 16
I then tried to map the result to a object class:
But then I am getting the error message “non-integer path for Array”:
I have tried quite a few possibilities, but not able to return the right mapping.
Anyone have seed this before and can guide me in the right diretion?