Mentor role for Start-up

Hi, our Start-up have developed an amazing OKR solution on Appfarm. We introduced our App on ONS this week and got a lot of interest, but the APP has some “issues” we need to fix… Anyway, as we have lost our main expert that had the deeper coding-skills (math.js ++) we are in search for a Mentor that can support us evenings and/or weekends. The need is a few hours now-and-then to discuss and guide us in the process to fix these “issues”. Anyone available to assist us?

Please delete this post ASAP if we break any forum rules.


Hi Harald,

I’m glad to hear that you got a lot of positive feedback at ONS :smiling_face:

We’ll hear with some of our partners, but there might be some interested people in Community as well :wink:

Best of luck with the product and development!

// Erik

Thank you for your support :slight_smile: