On drawer close with view container - Missing event handler?


  1. I have a drawer with a view container, when closing the drawer the action for view unload is not run. This is a bug I assume?

  2. There is also not a event handler for drawer close - Can you please add this?


  1. I was able to reproduce the issue regarding the view inside a view container not unloading when the drawer is closed. I’ve created a challenge for it. In the meantime, as a workaround, you can run the action set in “On View Unload” within the action that runs when closing the drawer.

  2. For your second point, if the drawer is of type temporary, you can use the “On Backdrop Click” action to trigger any additional behaviors needed when the drawer closes. For persistent or responsive drawers, a dedicated close button is typically required to close the drawer anyway. Could you share any additional requirements for which an “On Drawer Close” event handler would be helpful? I’d love to better understand your use case.
