I have a layout with a main-view with a menu, and a view container that contains the contents of the app.
For some reason the URL Path.Sub view does not get a value for one of my views.
The steps that I have done:
Create new view, and give it URL path key = overview
Go to mye view container and add the new view
Add a text in my menu with an event that navigates to subview
All of that works, so the navigation itself works how I want it to. However, I also want to use some conditional styling on my text that says when URLPath.Subview = overview, then add some styling. And this does not work, because URL Path.Subview does not have a value even though I can see in the browser that the URL has both a view and a subview.
What can be the reason that URL Path is not set? Isn’t this a built in feature?
Nå funket det plutselig. Dette er andre gang jeg har opplevd noe trøbbel med conditional style som ikke fungerer, også plutselig fungerer det etter en stund. Forrige gang postet jeg også her, men da slettet jeg posten da jeg så det fungerte.
Er det noen type endringer som ikke er helt live i Development som man må vente en gitt tidsperiode på at skal fungere?
Yes, some Edge-cases / certain scenarios has been experienced related to the data properties not being read in Dev (i.e. a previously unused property has been put into UI, but the appfarm-service reading data for all properties in use “lags behind”). Most cases are hickups that are solved automatically after a short while.
FYI, we got a similar issue today. A challenge is registered. It is a caching issue in Dev, so it may be fixed by clearing the cache for the site, or it might “all of a sudden” work (when cache is refreshed of some reason). Should not be a Test- or Production issue.