Users are not able to log in


Around 3 PM today many users in our system were all of a sudden not able to log into our solution, although they were able to do it earlier today. We have not made any deploys recently, so it shouldn’t be any changes from our side that is the cause of these bugs.

We got e-mails from Appfarm AS Incident saying that there is an “Inconsistent User Data” incidence happening at the same time as when we discovered the log-in issues. Are these incidences connected?

Our quick fix solution to give the most pressing customers access to our soution was to search for the users in Appfarm create, and edit the user by assigning them a new role, save the changes, and then remove the new role again. However, some customers that we have not done this for are still having trouble signing in, despite the e-mail from Appfarm claiming that the issue is resolved. Do we have to manually fix this for every customers, or is there another fix for this? And most importantly, are our trouble with signing in related to the “Inconsistent User Data” incident??

FYI, this one is solved in DM