A date attribute with value does not show in text edit field in UI (broke with new release?)


We have a date attribute that should be editable with this text edit field:

When opening a Kontrakt (ONE) object with value in that field it does not show the correct value (shows as it has no value/undefined). And we cant edit the field anymore either. The field is in some and it happened relatively close to the new release.


It looks like the Text Edit bound to a Date Time does not display anything initially. Once you use it to change the date, it behaves correctly (until refresh). The Text Edit for editing dates has not been much in use - so it might be that something has broken here (due to change on our side or the component side).

Registering a challenge on this one. Workaround is to use Date picker (or multiple text edits / droplists for inputing various parts of the date, and use a “On value change” to set the Datetime-property based on those inputs).

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We have it in use in multiple places. As this has been broken but is not in use by many of your other customers, how highly is it prioritized? When can we expect a fix? Asking because it is a bit time consuming to fix and the fact that it is in use, the users might take some time adjusting as well. Thanks for the reply and any info you have :slight_smile:


It’s being analyzed. We’ll give an ETA as soon as we know.

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It’s been fixed in our Dev version of Create - patch coming soon (ETA 1-2 days).

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Thanks for the quick reply and fix :slight_smile: :ok_hand: